Jan 10, 2010

The Wandering Guitar Player

The Wandering Guitar Player


Mahmoud Darwish

Translated by: Denys Johnson-Davies/The Music of Human Flesh.

Open no doors,
Do not break them down,
Turn not the whale from the face of the moon.*

(O my friend, O guitar,
Take me
To distant windows)

A poet he was,
But the poem
Shriveled in the memory
When he saw Jaffa
On the deck of the ship.+

(O my friend, O guitar,
Take me
To honey-coloured eyes)

A soldiers he was,
But a piece of shrapnel
Crushed his left knee
So they gave him a present:
And a wooden leg. 

(O my friend, O guitar,
Take me
To the sleeping countries)

The guitar player will come
During the coming nights
When people devote themselves to collecting soldiers'
The guitar player will come
From some place we do not see,
When people are celebrating the birthday of witnesses.
The guitar player will come,
Naked or in underclothes.

The guitar player will come
And I almost see him,
Almost smell the blood on his strings.
I almost see him
Walking through every street.
I almost hear him
Shouting like a storm:
Take a good look:
            That's a wooden leg.
            That's the music of human flesh.

*' . . . turn not the whale from the face of the moon': Popular fables have it that when the moon is in eclipse it will be eaten by a whale.
+' . . . when he saw Jaffa on the deck of the ship': A reference to the Jews who were illegally smuggled into Palestine by sea after the Second World War.

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