Jan 10, 2010

Psalm 10

Psalm 10


Mahmoud Darwish

Translated by: Denys Johnson-Davies/The Music of Human Flesh.

The lengthy state of dying
Has taken me back to a street in the suburbs of childhood,
Has brought me into houses,
Into hearts,
Into ears of wheat,
Has given me an identity.
It has made me into a cause,
The lengthy state of dying.

It used to seem to them
That I was dead, and crime was mortgaged in songs,
            So they passed by and did not utter my name.
            They buried my cropse in files and coups d'état,
And went away.
(And the country I used to dream of will remain the country I was dreaming of.)
It was a short life
And a long death
And I awakened for a while
And wrote the name of my land on my corpse
And on a gun
I said: This is my path
And this my guide
To the coastal cities.
And I departed
But they killed me.
            They buried my corpse in files and coups d'état and went away.
            (And the country I used to dream of will remain the country I was dreaming of  

I, in the lengthy state of dying,
Am the master of sadness
And the tear of every Arab girl in love.
The singers and orators have grouped themselves around me
And on my cropse sprout poetry and leaders
And all the brokers of patriotic language.
And long live
The lengthy state of dying.

The lengthy state of dying
His taken me back to a street in the suburbs of childhood,
Has brought me into houses, into hearts, into ears of wheat,
Has made me into a cause,
Has given me an identity
And a legacy of chains.

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