Jan 10, 2010

The Wandering Dove

The Wandering Dove


Samih Al-Qassem

I wander everywhere, a frightened dove,
Displaced, denied, and deprived of love:
Snakes always coil to block my path,
Hissing, menacing, and full of wrath;
And hounds, chasing me, continue to bark,
So that my memory of love is pale, dark.
The images of my dreams are lost, worn,
And I always seem to tread on thorn!
Night has slaughtered my moon;
And in nightmares I writhe and swoon:
The Zionists robbed the stars of my night,
And nobody cares about my painful plight.
Ghosts tear my heart as I bitterly cry,
And the indifferent world never wipes my eye!

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