Jan 10, 2010

Psalm 16

Psalm 16


Mahmoud Darwish

Translated by: Denys Johnson-Davies/The Music of Human Flesh.

I toy with time
As an emir caresses a horse.
I play with the days
As children play with coloured marbles.

Today I celebrate
The passing of a day on the previous one
And tomorrow I shall celebrate
The passing of two days on yesterday.
I drink the toast of yesterday
In remembrance of the coming day
And thus I carry on my life.

When I fell from my mettlesome horse
And broke my arm,
My finger, wounded a thousand year ago,
Give me pain.

When I commemorated the passing of forty days* on the city of
Acre's death,
I burst out weeping for Granada.

And when the hangman's noose encircled my neck,
I felt such hatred for my enemies
For having stolen my tie

*'. . . Commemorated the passing of forty days': In the Arab world a ceremony is held forty days after someone's death.

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